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Strada locotenent Petre Manoiu nr. 1,
Judetul Constanta,
900318 Palas

RAPORT DE INVESTIGARE pentru incidentul feroviar produs la data 08.10.2023, ora 14:15, pe raza de activitate a Sucursalei Regionale CF Constanța în stația CFR Palas, prin lovirea macazului nr.66 din stație, de către cutia tobei de angrenaj a locomotivei DA 1645 ce a circulat ca tren nr.89337 aparținând operatorului de transport feroviar de marfă SC Via Terra Spedition SRL.

INVESTIGATION REPORT for the railway incident occurred on 08.10.2023, at 14:15, within the radius of activity of the Regional Branch CF Constanța in CFR Palas station, by hitting the station's gantry crane No.66, by the gear drum of locomotive DA 1645 DA 1645 that ran as train No.89337 belonging to the rail freight operator SC Via Terra Spedition SRL.
