EXTRACT FROM HG 117/2010 - parts contained in the investigation file
- The accident/incident investigation report.
- Copy of the accident/incident notification form.
- The record of findings drawn up by the head of the station or his substitute together with the heads of the subunits who participated in the first findings or by the preliminary investigation commission for the metro rail network, as the case may be.
- The results of the verification of the physical condition of the personnel related to the occurrence of the accident/incident regarding the consumption of alcoholic beverages - carried out by the head of the station or subunit where the accident/incident occurred or, as the case may be, drawn up by the preliminary investigation commission for the metro transport network (verification process with the alcohol test ampoule and the results of the blood alcohol determination - when it exists).
- Minutes concluded following the findings for each specialty by the members of the investigative committee.
- Budgets for the repair of railway infrastructure and railway vehicles derailed or damaged following the accident/incident, budgets for the means of intervention, if applicable, budgets for works to restore train traffic, budgets for the expertise requested according to art. 52 lit. b) and d).
- Sketches, photographs, video and/or audio recordings related to the accident/incident, if applicable.
- The track record of the locomotive or the motor vehicle that towed the respective train, in copy, certified by the signature and stamp of the head of the traction subunit.
- Speedometer tapes/records and their reading reports.
- Documents and records regarding the performance of railway infrastructure exploitation activities - maintenance, repair and follow-up over time, movement records from stations, movement stops, train stations and movement stations in the current line, in copies, certified by signature and stamp by the heads of subunits.
- Extracts from specific regulations and from the technical operation plan of the station, the technical Regulation for the operation of industrial railway lines, the LFI operation authorization and the operation contract, if applicable.
- Proof of notification of the representative of the economic operator involved in the occurrence of the accident/incident who did not appear to participate in the investigation commission, if applicable.
- The files for the injured (injured, dead), drawn up by the medical unit that ascertained the condition of the victims.
- The written statements and reports of the railway personnel involved in the accident/incident and of the witnesses who can relate the circumstances in which the accident/incident occurred.
- The act of appointing members of the accident/incident investigation commission.
- Copy of the approval of the request to extend the deadline for completing the investigation file, if applicable.
- Any other documents related to the investigation of the accident/incident.