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Components of accidents and incidents investigation commissions

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Classification of accidents and incidents

Appointment of the investigative

The component of the investigation committee


Serious accidents

Serious accidents

The main investigator and members of the investigation commission can be appointed by order of the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, upon the proposal of the director of the Romanian Railway Investigation Organization (OIFR).

At the scene of the serious accident, the managements of the economic operators that carry out railway transport operations involved in the serious accident will be present, in order to take measures to remove traces and reopen traffic


Accidents under art. 7 para. (1), lit. a) and b), which do not qualify as serious accidents, c)1 and e)

The main investigator and the members of the investigation commission are appointed by the director of the OIFR.

At the scene of the accident, the managements of the economic operators that carry out transport operations involved in the accident will be present, in order to take measures to remove the tracks and reopen the circulation.

Accidents under art. 7, para. (1), lit. c)2 and d)

These accidents are not investigated, according to the provisions of this regulation.

At the scene of the accident, the head of the station of the administrator/ infrastructure manager and the heads of the involved subunits or, as the case may be, the manager of the economic operator will be present.


Incidents produced in train traffic. Art. 8 para. (1)

The main investigator appoints, in writing, the investigation commission, after prior consultation with the managers of the territorial structures with responsibilities in railway safety within the economic operators that carry out railway transport operations and on the subway transport network involved in the incident.

Principal Investigator: personnel from the OIFR responsible for the organization, management and control of the investigation. Members:

  • personnel from the organizational structures with responsibilities in railway safety from the economic operators involved in the occurrence of the incident;
  • specialized representatives in the fields of railway activity within the economic operators involved in the occurrence of the incident.

At the scene of the incident (depending on the findings), the managements of the economic operators that carry out transport operations on the railways and on the metro transport network involved in the occurrence of the incident will be present, to take measures to remove the traces and to reopen traffic.

Incidents produced in the maneuvering activity Art. 8 para. (2)

Incident occurred on the public railway infrastructure.The main investigator convenes, in writing, the investigation commission, after prior consultation with the managers of the territorial structures with responsibilities in railway safety within the economic operators that carry out railway transport operations and on the subway transport network involved in the railway incident.

Principal Investigator:

the head of the territorial structure with traffic safety responsibilities within the holder of the public infrastructure in whose area of ​​activity the incident occurred. Members: specialized representatives from the fields of railway activity within the economic operators that carry out transport operations on the railways and on the metro transport network involved in the occurrence of the incident

At the scene of the incident (depending on the findings), the managements of the economic operators that carry out transport operations on the railways and on the metro transport network involved in the occurrence of the incident will be present, to take measures to remove the traces and reopen traffic.

Incident occurred on the private railway infrastructure

Principal Investigator:

  • the head of the structure with responsibilities in railway safety within the owner of the private railway infrastructure in whose area of ​​activity the incident occurred;
  • Members: specialized representatives in the fields of railway activity from the economic operators who carry out railway transport operations involved in the occurrence of the incident.

Incident occurred on the metro rail network

Principal Investigator:

  • the manager of the train traffic safety department within the economic operator that carries out metro transport operations;
  • Members: specialist reviewers and specialist representatives from the fields of transport activity within the economic operator that carries out transport operations with the metro.

Other incidents related to railway safety - art. 8 para. (3)

The investigation is carried out by personnel appointed by the employer of the personnel involved in the incident.



  • letter c)1 - only the cases provided for in art. 50 paragraph (3).
  • letter c)2 - except for the cases provided for in art. 50 paragraph (3).
  • the investigation commissions can be supplemented if during the investigation this fact becomes necessary with other specialists or experts who were not appointed initially. The completion of the commission can only be done by the one who approved the initial component, at the proposal of the principal investigator.